rant blog
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 @ 10:13 PM
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 Hey ! Haven't blogged in a while ): No pictures related to life today haha ! I haven't been doing much :/ Anywho!! Jenny's birthday is next Friday weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but she's not going to be there. So I shall give her her presents and card on the follow Monday. :D Oh btw, i didn't end up making a rainbow cake TT /creyyyyyyyyy. But i'm making Jenny a rainbow cupcake ! heheeh and so i shall make rainbow cupcakes on the weekend. Not the one coming up. But yeah. So my life. LOL. Homework, homework, eat, sleeeeeeep. Yeah (Y). Oh and watching Naruto too heheheeh i'm loading ep 226 currently :3 I'm so glad because I don't have a lot of homework today ! Wooooo, I finished all my homework from my previous lessons and yeee didn't get any today. I AM SO HAPPY :") Let's have a smexy picture of yongguk and then continue about my day yay.

LOL SORRY. But i love that picture so mucho, I bet jenny will too. hEHEH it's going on her card. ;) Today, first up we had HPE i thought it was theory. But it was actually prac, WELLLLLZ the teacher keeps changing her mind == we have theory tomorrow now yay. /sarcasm. Played bball then dodgeball ! Twas fun. Dance, was assessed ): LOL and Josh didn't have me to copy off ! HEHEHEHEH yeah he cant dance. (Y) Lunchhhhhhhhh. Jap. Strings lesson. Lunchicles. ITD. We had theory but it was still fun hahah~ The ITD teacher is soooooooooooooooooo nice its not even funny c: Yeah hes really nice xD The whole lesson I didn't even do anything :S Haha Aiden still doesn't get what Kyle told me to say to him. LUULULULULUL whut a fail ): Yeah i don't know what else to say. i remember i had a rant blog but i can't find it now. I want to read my rants LOL ! It'd be funny. I showed sheridan pictures of Donghae ♥ and she said that he wasn't thaiwoetjwoiejgwoei. OMGAH SHES BLIND. LOL. jk but yeah ! :( anddddddddddd lul josh and josh knows jessica because of mychonny. omgosh who still watches him :S HAHAHA yer .__. idk why but it pisses me owaehowiehg. kay this is not my rant blog. i should like make a new one LOOOOOOOL :$ k well this is getting long. That is all my dumplings ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
God Bless You <3

red velvet cupcakes
Saturday, February 25, 2012 @ 1:27 AM
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rainbow cakes loooks so yummy omg :Q

hehehe! Hopefully, julie and I will make a neon rainbow cake tomorrow, like ze one above! maybe with one layer though. idk. it's just a plan haha. Wellllllllllllls ! Today was really boring I felt like another hermit crab. Cynthia, Vicky and I planned on watching chronicle today like last week ? haha but idk that plan kinda died. xD So today I did nothing ): Not entirely nothing... heh. Cute gif of jonghyun to start a paragraph hehe!

This morning julie had to wake up early to go tutor at 8:30. Well she was supposed to be there at 9~ I got to sleep in !!!! Wait. But noooooooooooo, mum decides to wake me up at 8:45 so I can go get an x-ray of my teeth :$ looool, to see why they're not wobbly / falling out so i can get braces. heh. Yeah, then i stayed in bed for longer, got yelled at to wake up kkeke, woke up, got ready, etc. So yeah we kinda left the house at 9 and i'm guessing julie was late for tutor. Arrived at inala and hgoaweijgowiejg. The place was closed ! Well, not really but, they said that they only took x-ray's on weekdays ): So yeah, i kinda woke up early for nothing. Hghwoaiejg my be-ooty sleep :C K well yeah, mum shopped around for stuff and yeah went home. WATCHED NARUTOOOOOOOO ! hehehe, it's so interesting so far. Like the allied shinobi force and the fourth shinobi world war!!! Madara's power is smexy. Yeah DANZO'S RIGHT ARM IS SO EWWW AHHA. It slike thwoeijweewweewweewewe yeah. And Sasuke keeps using amaterasu. LIKE DUUUDE, I can predict and read a majority of his moves !! :$ It's always something along the lines of chidori blade or something related to chidori heh, sharingan, mangekyo :o, AMATERASU, ohhnuuuuu it's susano'o, more AMATERASU!! Lol yeah. I finished  english yayayayay ! I still have maths, hpe, itd and tutor ): I could've done maths but i cbbed turning on my laptop lol. Yeah, did more random stuff. I made red velvet cupcakes ! YYAYAYYAAY okay picture time then showerrrrrrrrr. :) Until next time, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

girl look at that body.

random roses next to the front door ! :D

I'm in love with Ailee's Heaven and I keeeeeeeeep replaying it!!! haha. BAP is still <333htrowjgwoige :Q Yush omgah Daehyun's voice in Burn it up :):):):) And yeahhhh, Big Bang has a new song btw ~ yeah this is old news. just thought i'd say it... haha lol okay byeeeeeeee ! again. .__.
God Bless You <3

Friday, February 24, 2012 @ 3:04 AM
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Heeey ! Today was alright :3 At the busstop it was like spitting while Jazmin and I stood under her small umbrella. Yeah, I forgot to bring an umbrella haha. I HATE IT WHEN IT RAINS ON SCHOOL DAYS ): Because I have to bring my umbrella which makes my bag heavy or I don't bring one, and I get drenched like today. Yeah back on topic, then it started raining heavily haha and yerh i kinda died lol. Arrived to school and hahahaha ! Ahna, Jazmin, Tylah and I had to all share Jazmin's umbrella ! LOLOLOL. yeah didn't work out very well. The joshes were in front and JOSH had a snapback but he didn't wear it D:< Luuul so yeah i ran to him and tried getting it to protect mah hair from ze rain. (A) But yeah no that didn't work either. So tylah and I crashed into Jeremy's umbrella. (Y)

First period had english and finished part B of the exam. Science next, had ANOTHER exam ! LUNCHHHHIEEEES YAY. Lol was so tired that I stayed quiet for most of the break lol. Maths. Lunch. HAHAHAHA LOOOL It was funny because there was this black thing in the bushes and it like scarrrrred me fah lifeeeey. hehe. It was this dude with an afro and yah LOOOL when his head popped up Jenny did a sarcastic scream and it made me screamo itwehjoiwej. Yeah. Now, Jenny calls me a big baby. Life is good. *coughocugh* Jk yeah it is. Lol kay then we had HPE! Then home, tutor, hereeee :) LOL I played viola and it was soooo loud when I played with the bow that I shut myself in the closet and played there instead. HAHAHA because i played at 8pm and i didn't want to wake anyone up. If they were sleeping... LOL k picture of flowers that i took at school to end the post ! :D Lol my sose and roll-marking teacher confiscated Jenny's jumper :$ haha okay byeeeeeeeeeee !

God Bless You <3

Thursday, February 23, 2012 @ 3:04 AM
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Ciao hunnnnnies ! Not much to talk about, it's been the same-same heheh. Anywho, Sheridan finally discovered BAP lolololol. But yeah, more fangirling ! YEYEYEYEY :L Yeah on Tuesday, I had to pee like really badly :$ My feet were like swaying back and forth and I must've looked like a retard. Yehyehyehhhhhh ! I keep seeing my tutor at school and it's really creeeeepy hahahah. I always like TRY to hide behind sheridan or jenny and LOLOLOL it's so funny that we laugh like hyenas and he probably sees me anyway :/ Paragraph of today then pictureeeeeee yay !

Today we had HPE first and woooohooooooo we did practical with 8J, that means... jennnnnny ^^D lul. We did drills and like yeahhh there were stations with different activities and drills we had to do. LULUUL There was one called planking and HAHAAH no it's not planking. Something like that though, but instead of lying on your bellllaaaay, you had to hold yourself as if you're doing a push up. But everyone just planked and treated that as a rest station. And loool yeah that period was funnnnnn! and tiring ): Had dance next, was coolies. Lunch ! Viola lessons, fun too :) Jap, although Sheridan and I came back like 40 minutes after it started, I still did the amount of work that everyone did LULLU YAAAAY ! Lunch again. ITD ! Was also fun (H)  During ITD, sheridan, shilohm, josh, josh and I talked with lisps. AND LOOOL I rike failed when I was talking to zoie. heheh. The joshes like a-th-es (with lisp). LOLOLOL if you get that, ASHES ! well not for josh. :L and I heard shilohm sing omgahhhh ! She's so prooooooooooo *u* Yeah, I saw danny like 3 times today hahhah :L After school, went to inala. Mum had to go to this appointment, Julie wanted to buy canvas to paint and I just tagged along. Lol jk, well partially because I wanted to buy cardboard to make Jenny's card :3 But I also bought ribbonnnns ! YAYAY. yeah i love ribbons btw. $6 for 3 rolls... :$ meh! haha. okie byeeeeeeeeeeee (:

God Bless You <3

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 @ 9:59 PM
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yeeeeeey i feel like ben & jerry's <3

Sadly, I don't have any. ): Sorry no pictures today, except for the one above lol. Yesterday, I didn't go tutor so I'm scared he'll rage at me on Friday D': Yeah, I saw him today while we were lining up for first period and LOOOOOOOOL i hid behind sheridan. It's funny how Jenny and Sheridan knows that I go to him and yuhhhhhh now Michelle and Shilohm does too. :p Wellllllls, today we had an exam for english! :( I think I did goood (Y) lol eye dee kay. Ummmmmm, maths. LOOONCH! Can't remember what we did at 1st break :$ SOSE, had another exam ): I think I did good on that too .___. eye dee kay ah gain. xD LUNCH AGAIN YEY LOL it was fun that break! HAHAHAAHA sheridan needed to go toilet so jenny and i sat outside waiting for her. Like near the bushes kinda thing. This teacher, a mean one, was like trying to get pass so he like tried to go through the space between the bushes and the pole ! HAHAHAHHA it was funny because he kinda tripped then his leg was like thwoiegj i can't describe it LOL. Well it was like he was leaping with one leg but okay i just cant HAHAHA. It was so funnnnnnnnnnnnay. Yeh, jenny and i laughed like speds. Then we did more stuff and yuhhhhhh LOL RILEY IS SO PRO. haah Joel's accent <3 That's all for now if i keep blabbing on it'll make you bored. Kay byeeeee !
God Bless You <3

Sunday, February 19, 2012 @ 11:06 PM
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I NEED TO FIND A GIFFFFF GIF HGWOEIJGE ;OOOO yaay found one to start the post ! It's not a gif :$ Oh wellllllz, it's cute enough hehehe !

yondaime and kushina ! HOW UBERRRRRRLY KAWAII IS THIS !?!?
heheeh, i'm not up to this ep yet LULUL but i can't wait to watch it :3

So why hello there, everyone. Today is Monday. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ! ):< Another week. Of school. Of homework. Oh, wait but this week is special. OF TESTS / EXAMS ! D; But I shall breathe, watch naruto and everything will be okay. LOL JK. Anywho, today was boring !!! I was so tired~ This morning we had jap and we had a test, it was pretty easy (H) lul. Then we learnt words and blablablaaaa. ITD WAS FUN AS ALWAAAAAAAYS. LOL i'm loving it so much because we hardly get any homework !!! However we received some today. But it's like nothing heh :3 Lunchhhhh, saw duy! Dance. Did stuff. Lunch. LOLOLOLOL Andrew needed to use Jenny's laptop while she was explaining how she remembered names of people hehehe and LOOOOOOL. HOW SHE REMEMBERS KOBE'S NAME :L:L Science I WAS SU TIRED ): Did revision for test on Friday ! And I have homework. Yay. OH and JoshUA kept rubbing in Jesse's face that he (Jesse) got dumped. Cool story brew.

Last night, I went to watch 'The Vow' with cynthia, vicky, her sister and her hubbbby, chi thuong and her hubbbbbby and nhan and nghia ! LULULUL It was alright, a good movie but it didn't exceed my expectations lol. It didn't have a satisfactory ending ): FOR ME. HAHA, but overall yeah ! (Y) LOL Cynthia and I kept talking throughout the movie while vicky was like BAWLING her eyes out like a babehhhhhhhh next to me. And yeah! lulul, the shirt I wore made me feel like pocahontas (A) Lol jk, well like one of those princes in the disney movies with those FLOPPPY and spacious shirts near the arm area. You know ? heheh. oh it's 5pm already ? ): ngawwwwwwwww, homework time. ok pictures and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

vicky izzle a ninja / ignore my hair ): / qt pieeeeeeeees

i'm a prince. heh.
God Bless You <3

Strawberry Milkshake
Saturday, February 18, 2012 @ 1:05 AM
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Hellooo ! Pictures today yaaaaay. Not much has been happening just school and homework lol. Hmmm, yesterday, Friday ! Went to school and ermmmm can't remember LUL. Oh wait, I already blogged about Friday ? .__. Yeah, but it said that it was Thursday on blogger. Trolling meh D; Have I blogged about vaccinations ? LOL IDK I don't think i have~ Well we had it on... Thursday ? I THINK LOL IDK. Yeah ! Alot of people were over-exaggerating and some girls even cried ....... Yeah, it didn't even hurt and apparently I got the one that hurt more. HAHAAH Michelle and I were so anxious and what others said made us even more nervous ! ): HAHA LOL But with Darius and Josh ( GIRRRRL ) behind us our nervousness lessened lululul. Yeah. Let's talk about today yaaaaaaaay! LOL JK no yay. pictures first :3

picture of clouds taken on the car today. HAHAH LOL SORRY
I put no effort and intention in taking this picture, whatsoever.

Heheheh i fish-braided Julie's hair. But it looks gross because she kept moving her head ):
& because it's layered haha. 

Today it was so hottttttt. We went to indro to buy aunty proactive but in the end, we didn't. :$ I wanted to go shop around but didn't either. HAHAH then we went to this place thingo. xD I was waiting in the car for ageeeeeeeees and it was so hot. I was about to load naruto to watch on the car too, but it was too slow haha!  ): Yeah then went home and chillllled in ze aircon. Showered ~ I learned a bit of the beginning of 'Jar of Hearts' ! :D:D:DD:D HEHE /feels proud. Yeah played on Eleanor a bit. Mhm, I NEVER KNEW MACCAS SOLD MILKSHAKES YER. LOL On Friday, when we were walking to the hall for hpe, I stood on the back of Josh (girrrrl ehehe ;D)'s shoe. LOL YEAH THERES 2 JOSH'S BTW. I call one Josh girl cos he hits girls ): keke. Back to the story. I did it for REVENGE lol jk, because Darius and him were doing it to me the other day :C LOOOL BUT YEAH, he was limping ! Then i felt genuine sympathy. HAHAHA LOL. But then i noticed, it was fake ! OMFOHGOSH. Sympathy = -10000000000000000000000. Yeah, he found out i found out so it was like, limp, no limp, limp, no limp. and yeah lol. Random story. (Y) Kay going to go now lovieeeeeeeees. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee !
God Bless You <3

jar of hearts
Thursday, February 16, 2012 @ 9:24 PM
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Hey it's a pictureless post ! ): Sorrrrrrrrry, currently in lazy mood heh~ I have tutor later -criiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeesss- Okay well yeah OMGOSH GUESS WHUT !? I've gotten my viola :D:D:D:D:D Meet Eleanor -insert pretty picture of viola here- !!! She likes handstands. She likes smiles. She likes her friend, ze bow, who is currently unnamed. :3 Okay~ WELLL YERRR, my glasses are ready but mum forgot to pick them up. That was totally out of the blue. YEAH HEHEHE I LUB ELEANOR SO MUCH SHES SO PRETTTTTY :B

Today, I sat on the bus alone. ): FOREVZ ALONEE, lol nah i dont mind :3 I would actually sit by myself than someone whom i'm not close with. LOL LIKE TYLAH HAHAHHAHAH, it wuz awkies. (Y). OKAY YEAH, had english first ! Michelle didn't do her homework but omgah, the teacher is so nice that she ran through the homework with the class and those who didn't do it could copy it in :( NTS: DONT DO ENGLISH HW >:D Yeah, Sheridan and I did SOSE during eng heh. Science was next and looooooooool. AHHAHA okay yeah, foony story :3 We did an experiment and yaaaaaaaaaaah, it was fun. Lunch. Jenny and Sheridan got cub level but I haven't :"( YET ! haha. Maths. Lunch again. HPE ! We played touch footballl yaaaaaay it's pretty fun. For me. HAHA, yeah. Our team was pwning (H) Lol not really but yeah. SHILOHM AND JOSH IS SO PRO LIKE RHOIEFWO. OOOOH Sheridan and I remember Josh's locker code >:) HOHOHOHO. I tried to unlock it and he JUST noticed that it WASN'T his locker. ); Okay that's all for now. HEHHE I'm going to learn 'Jar of Hearts' on piano and yayayayay lemme go hug eleanor now. OKIES BYE ! :D
God Bless You <3

dark circles
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 @ 3:34 AM
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Herrrro ! I'm really tired right now lol, just finished homework. Well, PARTIALLY. Will do the rest tomorrow~ Yeah, today at school was fun. But boring, had core subjects ): And I was soooo tired TT My eyes are likeeee, drooping >:( Lack of sleeeeep heh. Yeahh~ LOLOLOL Busssed and saw Parva :3 Lul the college's get laptops tooooo, but ours is more smaller, cuter and proffessional-looking heheh. Today during SOSE, we had a drill for the fire alarm thingo ? LOL OMGAH CANT EVEN REMEMBER WHAT IT'S CALLED. See how amazingly my brain is working ? Yeah, we had to go line up and then sit in alphabetical order in the sun on the oval. OMGOHOIAH, it was so hot. And I lost a bobby pin. Coolstorybro. lol jk, sad story. :"( Luckily, it cut through our SOSE time !! Jenny and I changed Josh's wallpaper on his iPhone and bahhahaha LULUL he better keep the photo for the rest of his life~ Goot job sheridan & riley for blocking him (YYY) Kay well I'm going to leave you with pictures now. YAYAYAYAY. OMGOSH I SAW LINH YESTERDAY :D:D:D:D:D HEHEHEHEH ! Until next time, byeeeeeeeee (:

JENNY IS SO PROOOOOOO ! Fish tail braid :B
That was her RUSHING too, we had to go in class heheh. so purrrrdy.

LOOLOL KEKEKKE naruto stickers from like 2 years ago ? :o or more loool
yeahhhhhhh prolly around 3 lol idk. But yeah! there were like 3 other 'groups' of stickers on the mirror hahah. still lovin' the htc camera quality and focus lul.

okaaaaaah, this is UBER coolies. It was gifted from Coden's mum :D
He got a horse, I got a cat and Julie got a pig ! HAHAH cos it's our Chinese zodiac ;)
Mine's a smexay slim cat ( LOL JK ) Yeah, and it changes colour due to the light :3
God Bless You <3

forever alone
Sunday, February 12, 2012 @ 11:22 PM
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I will NEVER get sick of that mv or song. :L Today, had Jap first. Did this timetable thingoo and other random stuff. OMGAHHHHSH, my puzzle colouring thing looked like an avatar wrapped in a banana peel. Srsly. ): Sheridan was away so likeeeeeee forever alone. Lul jk~ I had Michelle and Shilohm (H) ITD was so boring. I thought it'd be fun but nuuu, we had theory. Didn't even do much, had assembly where my legs ached and suffered due to no space. TT__TT' Loooonch, saw Jennnnny ! Laughed. Alot. Trololol. Dance, was okay ! Lunch again, laughed like retards again LULULUL. "And I quote." - with weird, retarded hands gestures. HAHA and 'white'. ohhhhhhhhh, yeah inside jokes. SCIENCE ! Was quite fun :3

After school, mum and I went to jindalee, 'The Best Music Shop' to buy my viola equipmenttttt ! HEHEHEEH, I finally got my rosin and spare set of strings. Jenny's giving me her book :3 After she rubs out her embarrassing notes HAHAHA~ Yeah, the strings were uber expensive idek why ): Yeeeeeeeeep, kay gonna shower now ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

spare set of strings & rosin !

Julie's rose :L omgah the htc camera *u*
God Bless You <3

Saturday, February 11, 2012 @ 11:30 PM
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This morning I went to church, Thieu Nhi sold pancakes for fundraising. :) Yeeeeeeee it was fun~ LOL YEAH, i just blanked out for a couple of seconds and stared at the naruto gif. xD Anthony, Nhan and I were in charge of delivering the food and LLULULULU VICKKKKY had cleaning duty looooool. With Nghia and David haha :p Yeh, but she ended up doing the icing sugar AND cleaning :/ heh, diligent much ? lol jk. Yeah and other random stuff happened that I cbbed to type my eyes and fingers are like dead. my eyes sting. idek why :"( sorry didn't resize the photos lol. omgosh ew now it looks hideous. i'm resizing them now LOOOL ~

badge keke

stamp lololol - to show that i've paid (H)

After church, I was meant to go to buy my stuff for violaaaaaaa but it was closed TT HOHOH I CAN WATCH NARUTO ON MY PHONE KEKEKE. Yeh random. Yeah it was closed, but we still went to Mt Ommaney for Julie to buy her roses. Yeaaaah, we had to exchange these slippers LOL and i got these floral shoes :3 so purrrty. It was cheap too (Y) cheap asian. ;D Yeah then mum and I found Julie and as we walked  back out to the car, we stopped to buy a phone case but mum kept walking LUUUL ! So I had to go call her back. But didn't end up buying a case. Yeeeeeeeeeeah, went home. Ate. Was planning to run around in the rain with Julie, long story. LOL, but the rain stopped ): School tomorrow TT nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Here's some random pictures, taken yesterday, that I decided not to resize because of my laziness. :3

i  lub the focus omgah.

                     kekeek my bugs bunny pjs.    random     /      bored while doing sose.

Gonna go now~ I shall now collapse on my bed with the iPod touch lol. Why does sose exist ? :'( Weeeeeeeeee. I want to go shopping, that sounds so girly girl-ish but yeah hahaaha I'm just in the mood. And I miss Niki and Trisha. D: Okie, byeeeeeeeeeeeee !
God Bless You <3

lul omg.
Friday, February 10, 2012 @ 6:11 PM
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I'm bored but I don't want to do homework.
The weather is perfect and I'm stuck here in this burrow. Yeaaah.

LOL ! The internet explorer symbol / logo changed OuO'' or is it just me ?

le swimming carnival
@ 5:04 PM
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Hellooo ! Yeeey I finally found out how to transfer my pictures from my phone to the computer /loool slow. --' Anywho, this morning I woke up and I was home alone. xD Mum just came home like 2 seconds ago. Yeah, brushed teeth, blablabla, watched one ep of Naruto and yerrrrrr blogging now lol. Naruto eps have just been like the Leaf's history TT It's soo boring :( Not that boring, but not that interesting. :L 

Yesterday, it was the swimming carnvial ! :3 Yeh, went to school, bussed do Bundamba ? LOL forgot what it was called :L 8I was on a different bus to 8J OMGAHHHHHH TT Story of Aiden's and my life~ But yeah, arrived there. Got separated from my friends lol TuT'' Sheridan went to the other side of the pool to sit undercover where the Blue's and Gold's were. I sat in the Red's tent with Hannah, Michelle, Nan ( i think that's how you spell her name ) and others. Yeee. Saw Danny. Jenny came ! YAY~ Jaz and Jenny just sat in the red tent with me although they were from Blue and Green LOL. They became a red ;) We didn't swim competitively, cos i don't swim. xD But we entered the BUCKET RACE ! :D Yeah, LOL the teacher was like 'if you're not in red, get out of the pool immediately or else the whole team is disqualified.' HAHA Jaz and Jenny didn't go and they didn't notice :S The whole day was probably spent talkinggggggggg, sitting, laughing at the silliest things, dieing in the heat, eating, and yuh LOL. Oh, due to Jenny's love for playing with / doing hair, she tied my hair in piggy tails because she hasn't seen me in them lul. Yuh, i took it out later heheheheeh. Okay yeah ! Bussed back home and yeah, went tutor after == Sorry not alot of pictures~ But here are pictures that i took with my htc :3 over the past ummmmmmmmm idk 3 days ? LOL IDEK.

just casually playing around with the focus. *u*

playing with the camera effects lol.

i amm a triangleeeeeeeeeee~ lol jk, i didn't even know jenny was taking that pic D:

pweeeeetty cloud. 

on ze way to tutor.

Yeeeeeeeeeeh, blah I need to go shopping for viola stufff ! :3 Hopefully I go tomorrow. BAPHOWEIOGW. Kay well yeah, gonna fly now ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
God Bless You <3

Samsung HTC
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 @ 10:40 PM
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Why hellooo there ! Not much happened, just school LOL. Well yeah, to start ze post, here's a BAP gif :3

hehehe, omo. Himchan ~ and Bang Yong Guk's smile :Q

So yeah, school happened over the several days lol. Homework. ASSIGNMENT KINDA THING ALREADY ! :( Yeah hehe xD Jenny's been sick ! For the whole week omomomomomogoagh, I hope she feels better <3 I miss her so mucho omgaaaaah lol Sheridan and I have been like bored for the past weeeeeeeeeeek. All we do is stay at the top of the POD cos there is LITERALLY nothing to do at break times. I love ITD, so fun and easy and there's no homework. Dance is okaaaaaaaay. IM GONNA PLAY VIOLA OMOMOM !!! :):) HEHHE >8) English, maths, science and sose ALWAYS have to give us homework, it's only week 3. TT__TT' Meh. Josh is a girl. Other Josh is a girl too. hehehe ~ Sophi is Iphos oh wait it's supposed to be Ihpos haha. Let's see if you can get this one - Suirad wants to sit next to Naderihs but then again no .__. Yeh i'm confused too. Darius likes to poke buttons. omgosh. assembly. haha. Yeah, I haven't been watching Naruto as much ! ): SAD STORY BRO. lul ew. Yeah, going to shower later~ Swimming carnival is tomorrrrrrrrow. I'm in red ! YEY RED. But jenny is in green and sheridan is in blue omgosh. Yeeeeeeeeee.

LOLOLOL ep 183 shippuuden. smexiest pic everrrrrr.

Yeah, OHOHOHHHHH i got a new phone ! hehe yaaaay :) It's a samsung HTC and it's huge. LOL. yeah and it's a touch so i can go totodotodoodood. Yuh. Okay, jennyyyyyyyyyyyy get well so you can get chur butt to school ;D and i have a bellyache. lol jk. That is all for now! Let us end this post with another BAP gif hehehe. Byeeeeeeeeeeee c:

hehe yeah i lub BAP.
God Bless You <3

weekend end
Sunday, February 5, 2012 @ 12:18 AM
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HAAAAAAAY LOL. So yer, not much have been happening. I stayed home yesterday, LIKE A BOSS (H) lol jk. LIKE A HERMIT CRAB ~ And yeah, Anh and I felt like hermit crabs yey. *u* This morning I went to church ! YAY. I love church. heheh~ Yeah, we did decorating, sorting out new program and stuff like that, twas quite fun :) Yep, LOL and stuff happened and eceteraaaa. YAY SASUKE TO SEMI-INTRODUCE THE POST LULULUL !

OMO THIS EP TT -CREEEEEEEEY- Yeh it was sad when *SPOILER*....
Itachi-san died ~TT__TT~ yeah. HES NUT EBIL. But yeah, you can go watch or watever, i just spoiled it :')
YER, he's one of my tops now. OMO I LUB HIM SAH MUCH. :L xD jk. But yeah, it was so sad.

Went home and uhhh, forgot what I did. LOL, not much though haha. Oooooh and mum and I cooked 'Madeleine Cookies' !!! HOHOHO. It's yummmmmmy lol. With sultanas / raisins :3 I wanted to eat it with a chocolate sauce; however, we had no chocolate. Therefore, I had to make my own chocolate TT From scratch. weeeee. Lul, with BAKING COCOA~ dundundundunnnnnnnn. Yeah, it was extremely bitter at first but somehow, after adding 3915019385039 spoons of sugar, IT TASTED NICE :D Yeeeeeeeeeeey ! So there you go, my first attempt of making a chocolate sauce from scratch = not so bad (Y). LOL JENNY, my muscular thumbs. Sorry, cbbed to resize the photos :$

ze madeleine cookies ! Obviously not set out on a dish, decorated, etc. xD 

English. :L Wasn't paying attention in class when I was supposed to highlight words :/ 
Due to the lack of highlighted verbs & adjectives heh.

Pi-a-noooooooooo. ~

So yep ! School tomorrow. Again. No. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I don't want to go TT WHO DOES ? Anywho, CAN'T WAIT FOR HUNGER GAMES :D Gonna shower now, then homework-u. =n='' To end the post, here's a vid of me playing 'Passion' by Utada Hikaru on piano. Only the intro, that's all i learnt. hehehe cos i is lazy. LOL jk, but yeah. That's all I learnt so far :L When am i going to finish it ? NO IDEA. Sorry the sound isn't as clear :/ and it's quite vague, yeh. Because YEAH my camera isn't the best at recording audio. BUTTTT, it's okay ! I guess. (: Just turn up your volume. heheh okay byeeeeeee !
/edit: sorry ! It doesn't work :/ MEH. Its okay, lol. Maybe it'll work another time~ KAAAY SHOWER TIME :) Then homework, then hopefully, NARUTOOOO hehe (':
God Bless You <3

best absolute perfect
Friday, February 3, 2012 @ 2:51 AM
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LUL HAY. For the past couple of days, I've been repeatedly listening to BAP's Warrior as I did my homework lol. It's catttttchyyyyy :3 hhehehe~ Bang Yong Guk is in BAP HAHAHA, Jenny spazzed when she found out. That's her man. Anywho, Today was so tiringgggg omgah. Yeh, don't know what to write lol. SORRY FOR PLAIN, BORING, PICTURE-LESS POSTS THESE DAYS TTuTT'' here's a gif that I remember vicky and i kept laughing at from ages ago. LOL CHANNING HEHEHEHEHE.

Yeah so school today, the usual in the morning. Had assembly. MY BAG WAS A HEAVY PIECE OF PEWP. :'( English, got homework. Science, got homework. We went to the lab and it was quite fun :B Maths, no homework. YAAAAAAAY ! HPE WOOOO We finally had prac ! But it was no fun because we didn't have our main hpe teacher :/ we had to go with this other class lol. DIGGYDIGGYDUMDIGGYDIGGYDUMDUMMMM warriorrrrrrrr (8) lol that is stuck in my head yey. um yeah, lunch was funnayyyy. Dude, missing jennnnnnny TT RHAOIH It's too late to switch classes. T^T Walked home after school to flss to pick up coden :L Walked home. MY LEGS, FEET, SHOULDER, THWEOIG :$ then fell asleep after LOLOL. 

It's Joel's birthday today ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) and also...... EMILY'S ! <3 I miss her so much TT I hope she enjoyed this very special day :D Okay well, gotta fly now ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪