rant blog
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 @ 10:13 PM
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 Hey ! Haven't blogged in a while ): No pictures related to life today haha ! I haven't been doing much :/ Anywho!! Jenny's birthday is next Friday weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but she's not going to be there. So I shall give her her presents and card on the follow Monday. :D Oh btw, i didn't end up making a rainbow cake TT /creyyyyyyyyy. But i'm making Jenny a rainbow cupcake ! heheeh and so i shall make rainbow cupcakes on the weekend. Not the one coming up. But yeah. So my life. LOL. Homework, homework, eat, sleeeeeeep. Yeah (Y). Oh and watching Naruto too heheheeh i'm loading ep 226 currently :3 I'm so glad because I don't have a lot of homework today ! Wooooo, I finished all my homework from my previous lessons and yeee didn't get any today. I AM SO HAPPY :") Let's have a smexy picture of yongguk and then continue about my day yay.

LOL SORRY. But i love that picture so mucho, I bet jenny will too. hEHEH it's going on her card. ;) Today, first up we had HPE i thought it was theory. But it was actually prac, WELLLLLZ the teacher keeps changing her mind == we have theory tomorrow now yay. /sarcasm. Played bball then dodgeball ! Twas fun. Dance, was assessed ): LOL and Josh didn't have me to copy off ! HEHEHEHEH yeah he cant dance. (Y) Lunchhhhhhhhh. Jap. Strings lesson. Lunchicles. ITD. We had theory but it was still fun hahah~ The ITD teacher is soooooooooooooooooo nice its not even funny c: Yeah hes really nice xD The whole lesson I didn't even do anything :S Haha Aiden still doesn't get what Kyle told me to say to him. LUULULULULUL whut a fail ): Yeah i don't know what else to say. i remember i had a rant blog but i can't find it now. I want to read my rants LOL ! It'd be funny. I showed sheridan pictures of Donghae ♥ and she said that he wasn't thaiwoetjwoiejgwoei. OMGAH SHES BLIND. LOL. jk but yeah ! :( anddddddddddd lul josh and josh knows jessica because of mychonny. omgosh who still watches him :S HAHAHA yer .__. idk why but it pisses me owaehowiehg. kay this is not my rant blog. i should like make a new one LOOOOOOOL :$ k well this is getting long. That is all my dumplings ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪