Monday, January 2, 2012 @ 3:43 AM
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HUAAAAAY. lul wth~ okay ! I shall blog about New Year's Eve ( Saturday ) firstly :) Before the topic commences, I shall randomly say that I've been watching Special A and I've nearly finished it; therefore, needing another anime to watch next but I cannot think / find a good one ! D: Rah-n-dom. Here's a picture. I like pictures. I don't like picture-less posts. hehe, but dw. This post shall have picccccies~ :3

selca~ this was old, can't remember when it was taken hehe

On Saturday, Mykaela picked me up in the morning then we went to the village. Jenny was still sleeping running late so once we arrived there, we just sat in front of woolies and talked haha loool ! Whenever we talked about 'weird' we kept laughingggg lululul. yuh talked about alot of stuffffff, then Jenny arrived 30 minutes late. AHAH LOL, it's okiee though :3 ~ Then we just walked around stuff. Went to target and trolled around in the kids section haha! The interactive toys were so fun lawl. We made alot of noise :) Went out, went in other shops. Yuh, the village isn't really that fun. haha. But better than nothing. And at least I got to see miki and jennnaaay ! :D:D *highlight of day* haha lol~ Then we ateeee~ lol they owe me $1.30. EACH. HAHA LOL, nah it's just a small amount of money so its okieee 8D Then we played iSpyyyyyyy with mah wittle eyez. lol no. with something beginning with a -insert colour here- Then we wenttt home. After that, Julie and I bussed to indro to watch Happy Feet 2 ! :D The original plan was to go to southbank with cynthia as well, but she couldn't go~ D; I haven't seen her in ageees TT But yuh~ ahha xD While we were lining up to buy the tickets, we saw nancy and kenny looool. After buying tickets, we shopped around. Julie got shoes. Then went up to see ze moviee. The ticket guy wasn't even there lol. So we just walked in and yuh found our seats. LOLOLOL oh yuh, instead of buying popcorn and drinks at the cinemas, we bought caramel popcorn and a bottle of water at 'Sweets' hehe. We saw 'BEN & JERRRRRRY'S' TWOIJG :Q But didn't buy it TT LAWL too expensive. Watched movie. It was good ! :) I recommend it, and it's so cute :3 After the movie, I went to purchase a piece of clothing ( lol whut words ) then nancy and kenny drove us home :B Can't remember what we did after. LOOOOOOL. Oh yeah ! I saw the Sydney fireworks at 9pm~ And at midnight, Julie and I watched the Sydney fireworks ! again lol. But they were better than the kiddy ones at 9pm xD It was sooo pretty. Yuh, texted people happy new year haha lol. Here's a pictureeeeeee of 11:11 on January 1st :o hehehe.

Whoa that's alot of writing. hehe okay i'm sick of typing it all up LOL TT So i'm going to dotpoint >:) Okieee, yesterday, NEW YEAR'S DAY ! :D Some photos were taken with the iPod Touch, beware of the qualityyy lul :3
• drove to ct with family
• shopped around with julie and mum ( didn't even buy anything == ) lol
• was about to buy Hunger Games trilogy ! :o but didn't end up buying it. cooooooos well idk, i already read the whole series, i can borrow it from duy hheeheh lawl and can buy more stuff with ze $50.
• looked for Le Bon Choix hehe :3 nomnom. Finally found it like after how longgggg ? Idk. But lots of walking. and it was closed. yeeeeeey D;
• went to eat at Cafe 21 :) So fillllingggggg~
• random guy asked me to take pictures of him while i was sitting outside with julie. i took like 100 pictures of him :) lol no not really. but yeah, awkieeeeeez. hes nice (Y) xD
• walked to sb and went on the ferris wheel LULULULUL, mummy's first time. We took heeeaaaps of photos on it haha lol. Well not that much, but yuh. Extremely hilarious photos haha, and a couple in the next carriage was camwhoring and yuh it was funny.
ewchies with mah hair in ze first photo / PEEEEEEACE. lol dun think mum wants her face on the internet~


• walked around sb


• went on citycat @ like 6:30 it looked like 4 ! ahha.
• citycat went all the way to newfarm and we had to stay on for a long time as it travelled back to sb haha~
• stood at the very front with julie, mum joined us eventually. twas very windy, VERY windy.
• water splashed on me. not much though. lul. wind was blowing ferociously in our faces. heh.
• went to sit inside it to avoid ze coldness hehe.

pretty sky *u*~

• got off citycat and walked across the bridge back to ct.
• saw the ferris wheel glowing htwaie so preeetty :) should've went on it at night instead of day lol.

blurraaaay. gomen~

• drove home and lol saw 'Juliette St.' and BIG DOGGGIES. haaha xD they looked cool, so i tried to take a picture but failed :/ ze car was moving, kay ? D: hehe xD

sorry 'Juliette St.' picture was blurry TT

Yuppppppppppp, and that's all for New Year's Day. It was a fun day :) Hehe, family time is always awesome. (Y)

Now todaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ Didn't do much TT hehe. Went to buy toner cartridge ! Firstly, we went to Harvey Norman but to no avail. Then Good Guys which was a fail. Then finally Officeworks where we obtained ze cartridge ! :D The man we asked was nice. ahha~ .__. Then we went to Bunning's Warehouse for Julie's experimentttttt. Bought subway on the way home (H). Arrived homeeeee ate subway. did stufff~ lol. Helped Julie with her experiment. LOOOL biology seems fun. haha xD Got soil in my nail due to the gloves ripping at the fingertips D; Went innnnnn washed my nails HAHAHA LOL. Julie gave me her nail cleaning treatment looool it was cool. ahah ate dinner. Showered. did more stuffff and yadidadidoooo~ Yup. She owes me for helping her with her experiment. That's why shes shouting me Ben & Jerry's ;D WOOOOOOOOOOOO. omnomnomnommmm. K gonna go now ~ Until next time, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) hehe, lol. ew gross stuff on Julie's mandarin flashcards ahahah luluul !
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪