wii lul / 6 facts about your siblings
Monday, December 19, 2011 @ 4:23 AM
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hey guise. ;) No pictures in this post so I will try to make it pretty and colourful with the font colours and sizes haha! Well, today I didn't do much at all lulul. Emily called me in the morning and I was still sleeping /failoitowiajgk T^T'. After a couple of minutes, Carmen and Sheridan prank called me LOOOOOOOOOL~ Sheridan was pretending to be Carmen's grandma and she was saying "WHO IS DISSS??? WHO IS DIS ?" LOLOLIES. I thought it was either Carmen's brother or someone else :P ANYWAYS. So yeah I'm going to Emily's house tomorrow, yeeey :) She lives on acrewood (or watevs it's called haha), therefore, she has HEAAAAAAPS of land lul. She has cows and like there's cow pewp everywhere TT That's the only negative thing about there haha~ Okay yeah, wells today I can't remember what i did. LULUL. BUT! I remember playing Wii with Julie hahas. I pwned her ass ( lul jk ) in tennis and baseball winning all the rounds we played (H) MUAHAHHA. Yeah, twas fun. YUPCHUPS. And blahblahblaaaaaaa, it wasn't a very amusing day so not really worth blogging hahas! Can't even remember the majority of things I did HAHAH. But yeah, I'll blog about my outing with Niki on saturday and more tomorrow ! :) Nowwwws, onto the challenge thingo :) Let's gooooo.

6 facts about your siblings:

• Is extremely fun to be with! :) sometimes... <>
• Goes to QA and receives heaps of compliments from that LUL !
• Loves kpop, kdrama and like everything korean haha. She's the one that keeps me updated with those stuff because she's knows like absolutely everything about that topic.
• Wants to be heaaps of things when she grows up ( careers )
• Cracked the iPod Touch screen.
• Is weird. (Y)

• Likes shopppangggg
• Lives in Perth
• Is married lul ~
• Is awesome for taking us out to eat, etc.
• Is funny ( esp her freshiness HAHAH )
• Has small feet. LOL RANDOM.

Kay well yeah, that's all for now :) Gotta fly nowzzz. Until next timee~ K byeeeeeee.
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪