Photoshewt !
Wednesday, December 28, 2011 @ 9:27 PM
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"There's no end to Your love, there's no end to Your love.
You're with us, You're with us.
There's nothing in this world, that could take You away,
You're with us, You're with us."

Hey there. My archives is screwed :$, i'll fix it another time ;D HEWHEHHEW Okay so sup !? I was hoping to wake up at 9 today; however, woke up at 11 instead. yeeeeeeeey TTuTT'' Did nothing much this morning sooo, I shall blog about yesterday ! :D Yuh, btw i'm incredibly bored atm.

Yesterday was Julie's photoshoot day. ;) LULZIA. It's for a competition. Firstly she dressed up in her Spring / Summer outfit and we went to the park to take pictures. LOL We had to sneak out of the house for every outfit but yeah, we failed mucho. When mum asked where we were going, we replied saying that we were going to the park. LOOOOOL and once we returned for the next outfit, she asked 'why does Julie keep changing clothes if you're just going to the park ?' AHHAHA LULUL. xD In viet, ofc. We spent a while at the park for the first outfit. Then for the autumn outfit we did it in our room. lol. For the Winter outfit we did it on the bed but AHAHAH LOL failed. So we went outside our house :3 Lastly, for the Summer outfit we just took the pictures on a path lul near the park. :) Please look at Julie's posts on her blog ( ) and like, literally click the like button heh xD, 'Julie Truong''s posts here ( ) ! :D Thankyouu !~ Please show your support by doing so. <3 :) Thankyou sosoosos much ! :D Yuh, we took forever on taking the pictures, choosing scenes, poses AHAH LOL !, editing, etc. it ~ So we'd be extremelyincrediblyverrryoahtwejg happy if she won :D Altogether, it was an extremely fun activity to participate in! I shall now spam you with some photos ~ The photos I post of the photoshoot are only 'SOME' of the ones we took, you can see all the photos at Julie's blog :D Well not all, we took like HEAPPSPESP of photos haha xD Then we had to choose up to like 5.

Autumn outfit.

Spring outfit.

Summer outfit.

Winter outfit. hehehee, mickey mouse gloves 8D

Yuppp, that's like a little preview kinda thing haha ~ You can view the official entries at Julie's blog and please like / vote ! :D Thankieees ♥ Okie. Yush, sorry it's not that PRO haha lol I don't have a dslr, even though I BADLY want one. D: But yep, good enough. :L

Purrrrty rose near our front door.

LOL ruhndom. :) Jayjays shirt bought on Tuesdaay~
and what i wore yeshterday lul. Casual & Comfy Chyeah ! alliteration (H)

Anyways. I'm bored. hehehe, this is the end of my post for today. :) I want to go somewhere tomorrorwrwrwrw. Ooooooooh and yesterday, mummy made spring rolls so Julie and I did the wrapping kinda thing. HAHA. Yuhh~ And we peeled prawns, yeey *u* Here's a funny gif that we kept laughing at haahha looool. Forgot when we took it :3

LULUUL! It's like (mouths) : o, ), P, o, |) ( with teeth ), D ( with teeth ), D ( smileeey without teeth )
HAHA LULZIA. okie. yeryeryerr.

Dadidooooda~ Nothing else to say atm ahah lol. Okie yep gonna go now. So until then, byeeeeeeeeeee~ LOVE CHU ;)
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪