funky town / more ;D
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 @ 2:37 AM
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LUZLIA ! Lul omo, Niki and I talk funky townese. That may explain the randomness. ;) Hoho, well, I changed my lay !~ If you noticed hahas, hope you like it. Denise is a pro as skinner *u*~ Anddd yerh, DUUUUDE I absolutely cannot wait for The Hunger Games movie on March 23rd ! DUDE# LIKE SRSEITJWOE. Come already March 23rd. >:) Buh i have taaah wait. lolzie. I meant, 'lulzia'.

On Saturday I went to sunnybank, ct and southbank with Niki. I arrived at her house at 10 LOL and she was woken up by my text which I sent her while I was on the car. LULUL~ Yuh then her dad drove us to sunnybank  and we shopped there. I searched for secret santa pressie for Duy HAHA LOL I can say it cos it's over ;) Buhhhhhh yeah, after that we got free drinks and we departed for ze ct. :D Firstly we zooooomed.

Pic of ze stickies. Cbbed to scan them, but might have to later for Niki lul. ;)

Then um, oh my, I apologize for my short-term memory ahhas ! I CAN'T REMEMBER D:< fuuuuuuuuuuuuu- nah jk. Um, we shopped around for Anh's present, ate maccas ( LUULULUL we were poor don't judge hehe ) and yuh. Idk, I think that's all we did at ct. Might have done more but my extremely poor memory is not really pleasing me atm.~~ Kaay, then we walked over the bridge and walked to GOMA. LOOOL twas such a long walk, and there was a short cut but we didn't notice ==' And during our walk, we saw like these people filming or something and there were ZOMBIES. Dude, they scared us hahahas luuuul. We went to the spotty exhibitions and 'We Miss You Magic Land' ( which you can see pictures of in my other post about goma ). In the WMYML exhibition we went on the computer thingo ! :) hehe so here are some pictures ;D omo loooooool it was soo funny. We were just like sitting there cracking up while strangers looked at us weirdly. :B

Spotty room.

We Miss You Magic Land~

Dat is moi. ^^O haha loool nu.

Ape & Gorilla / Gorilla / Gorilla, Grandma, Ape & Mumnita. haha.

Niki Lautner.

After Goma, I think we walked back to ct and yuh. Did random stuff that I can't remember :D /proud. LUL JKS NOT EVEN. Blahblahblaaah, we trained back to Niki's house and omomomo. The flats were killing my feet so I walked bare-footed haha whut a bogannnnnnnnnnn lul. Niki joined me :3 But we put our flats back on after hahas AND DUDUUEUDUE. There was like, urgh, i can't remember what it was haha. BUT THERE WERE HEAPS LIKE HEAPS DUDE HEAPS OF ANTS SURROUNDING IT. Made me ninja. haha no. I screamed and squealed like craazy xD It just HAD to be on my side of the path. Niki just laughed at me. HOW NICE IS SHE ? LOL JK. I would've been laughing if that happened to Niki ahhas ;) Then we made Anh's birthday card :3 And yuh, went home. After that we had singing practise @ church ~

Shillay faciz.

On Sunday went church ! :) It was the party kinda thing, not really called that but LOL YEAH. Short-term memory strikes again. But like yeah, it was the secret santa party thing. I gotttttttt a wallettttttt :D Lol my secret santa was Duy and I was his secret santa. -insert scary music- Yuh. Then after church we went mt ommaney but I didn't buy anything because I didn't have my wallet. Luts of sales ;O I want to go back now haha. Yupppppppppp, and Monday was lame. Well it was alright, I blogged about it briefly yesterday haha. I WANT TO READ BUT NO BOOKS TO READ MUST GO TO ZE LIBRARY D:<

Today is Tueeeeeeeesday, yey~ LOL. I went to Emily's house :) She picked me up at 9:30am lulzia omo she can drive. lol jk on the way to her house we went block bluster ! wooooot, we borrowed Sims Party and Kirby Epic Yarn ( both wii games ) LULULULZ. Kay yeah, on the car we were playing around with her camera. There was this effect I can't remember what it was called but we played with that heaps lolol. When we arrived at her house we played the wii. OMO we played the wii for forever - the majority of the day was spent playing the wii haha! Then we ate lunch nomnomnom. Played wii some more haha. Then we swam! It was fun :) There were these pool ponies, omgah, they're incredibly hard to float with. LOOOL. Then we played piano/keyboard haha. Rinsed and I was driven home. 

At home I played more wii with Julie LOLOL. Not really, only for like a couple of minutes, I got bored xD Ate, showered, now hererere :) K well gotta fly now. Really want to go to library tomorrow. I want to reread the harry potter and hunger games series and I want to read a whole lot of other books ! Even got a list LULULUL. Jenny and I has the same taste in bewks. (Y) LUL K gonna fly now. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee.
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪