ct & southbank! + more
Thursday, December 15, 2011 @ 5:11 AM
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Hullo guise ! I have not posted in a long time and I apologize for that TuT~ But! Today, well tonight, I shall post a pretty long post. Well that's my prediction lul :D Okieees, here we go :) LUL, oh and there's going to be heaps of photos as well ~

The other past couple of days I was bored, therefore, producing these totally random pictures lol. Some were taken like AGEEEES ago! Yuh, that shows how pro I am at updating shtuff. *coughcoughcoughoguh*

I made these cupcakes ! :) Julie couldn't stop eating them hoho~

Random selca after Gabrielle's party.

Omo! Which reminds me, GABRIELLE'S END OF YEAR PARTY ! ;O It was fun :) I arrived in my normal clothes so i had to change into my swimwear. We didn't swim but there was this small slide thingo; with like mini sprinklers / fountains bursting out on the sides! It was so cute :) hahas. We slid LOL, threw and pegged water bombs at each other LOL OMGAH ( will be explained later ), it was so fun playing with the hose. But nuuuu, we probably wasted heaps of water omg D: On the bright side, IT WAS RIKE SUUUU FUN ! Hahas, we kept spraying each other and yeah eceterrrraaaa. We played heaps outside. Then we ateee, then did random stuff. When we finished rinsing in the bathroom and drying ourselves, Jenny and I were the first ones to go to Gabrielle's room to change back in our normal clothes 8) Yah, while the others had to go pick up leftover and bursted water bombs ! HAHAHA LOOL. But yeah, then they knocked on the door and said "We left some for you to pick up." HAHAHA LOOHTOWIEJG SO NICEE. But yeah, after that we ate more lolol. Did some stufff, watched a movie. AND LUL, a majority of us didn't even pay attention to the movie haha. I was showing Emily, Jenny, Mykaela and Gabrielle this thingo on my phone lul. Where you can 'listen' to text messages. Emily laughed so hard when i showed her Jenny's text which included 'omg' but they pronounced it as 'omgah' HAHA LOOL. it was so funny, emily's so cute :) <3 Then Emily went crazy and texted myself on my phone then listened to her texts. LOOL THEY WERE FUNNNNNNNAY. Kay this paragraph is soo long I'm going to end it here :) We did heaps more and yeah ! Overall, it was a fantasticcc night :D I'm so glad I came. Heaps more people came then i thought o__o'' lul yeah, but all goods ~

What was i talking about again? Oh yush, WELWLELWLS Today >:D Vicky arrived around 10 something and when it was time, Julie, Vicky and I walked to the busstop. We bussed to Southbank and walked like 1000 miles to the cinemas. Yeryeryeryer, Vicky and I ditched Julie to buy food and drinks so she has to buy the tickets alone lul, twas funny. Then we watched JACK AND JILL ! :D weeeeeeew, it wasn't as good as i thought it'd be. BUT OH WELLS, Yeah it's alright :) Still good movie. (Y) LOL, before the movie started Vicky and I bought wedges and it took FOREVER hahas. Yeah, the doors closed on us D: Vicky was anxious about Julie saving our seats, apparently, she thought Julie wasn't STRONG enough. AHHA LOOOL. I was scared the movie would start without us D: Which it did ==' But only for like a minute so all goods ! :D

After the movie ended, we went to GOMA ~~~ Another 100000 mile walk :) lol jk. It is sooo amazing there!  So many new, pretty and wonderful exhibitions :) I particularly enjoyed the 'We Miss You Magic Land' and extremely liked the interactive one - the spotty stickers one hahas :D We were given a piece of paper thingo lul with circular stickers on it to put on anywhere in the room! The We Miss You Magic Land was extremely unique as it was all made out of sugar ! :O badum tsss LOL. I shall now spam you with photos !

This amazing work of art overwhelmed us as we were making our way up the stairs xD



THIS ROOM TOOOO :) sorry blurry pic.

OMOMO THIS ROOM ! :) spotty sticker room haha ( no idea what it's called )
There was even a piano :3

ft. ykciv hahas

We Miss You Magic Land exhibition ! <3

It even glows !~

LOOL ft. random peepz. We forgot to chill in the pillows D;

Picture on top half was taken off a computer screen LOOOL.
In this room Julie got told off for touching the objects and i got told off for taking a picture with flash on. Which is that picture there on the bottom half HHAAH LUL. awkzzz ~

During our stay at We Miss You Magic Land, we went on the computer and it was this activity linked with the piece. We were able to design our own little magic land and it took pictures of our faces and gave us little creature bodies haha! Then they emailed me with what we created when i arrived home and soooo, i prntscrned and saved some pics :)

The process of making our magic land xD

It loading :3

After GOMA, we walked to city and ate KYOCHON CHICKEN ! :D ahhas, nomomnom. The choices were korean bbq, kyochon chicken orrrr madtongsan but eventually we chose kyochon chicken. Vicky wanted to try it and korean bbq was too expensive. Well, we were too poor lul. 

Julie just had to order ddukbokki for an additional $15 xD

OKIEEEE. Yup then we went around ze shops. I HAVE TO GET MAH SECRET SANTA PRESSIE :@ LOL ok, i'll get it on sat when i'm out with niki hahas. I need it on sunday looool. Kay, yup well i guess that concludes my post for today! THIS TOOK FOREVER TO TYPE UP AND ADD PICTURES BLABLA. LOL, but yeah. If you read it allllll <3 yey :) Until next time, byeeeeeeeeeee :)
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪