Christ is born ♥ / more
Tuesday, December 27, 2011 @ 1:15 AM
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"Lifted up, He defeated the grave.Raised to life, our God is able.In His name, we overcome.For the Lord, our God is able."  

'God is Able' Hillsong album ! :D:D:D
I got this for Christmas from Chi Thao, thankieees <3 

Okays so hiiii ! Sooooo, vas happenin' ? haha vicky should know who says that. Well let's start all ze way back on Thursday! Hehe, not much happened though D: Just went to eat at a restaurant with my dad, mum and Julie. Can't remember anything else looool, applause for my short-term memory ? Lul jk no. Kaaaaaay, can't remember what happened on Friday either... BUTTTTTT ! I remember what happened on Saturday ! >:B kekeke, vaguely though. D; Oh and btw, I got a new highscore on temple run. Ages ago though, I hardly play it anymores~ It's 5MIL !! weeeeeeeeeeeewt. But David got 7mil. horhorhorrrrr, whyy so proooo D:


A very random picture of a very random picnic that my mum very randomly gave to me on Friday.

Wellzzzz on Saturday, Julie and I went to Mt Ommaneyyyy to do some last minute Christmas shopping. We went around shops and yerh ended up buying all the presents in Target, i think. Yuh, or Big W lulz. Lulzia. Idk. Yuh ! Presents for the fambam :) We were poor so we couldn't get much haha! Spent ages in the shop that we got the presents from xD Had to choose the best presents that were also CHEAP :D Shopped around for ourselves for a bit, but didn't end up buying anything. Bought a crème brûlée drink from Gloria Jeans and bussssed home. Then later at night we went to our church for the Christmas by Night Event ! :D I think that is what it's called. hahah, um yeah. The night consisted of amazing performances ( for God :D ), yummmy food, talking and just chillinggg I guess. :3 We were also given like little presents packages keke. Julie got a gig! HAHAHA LOL That's what we call it. She sang with thanh nien and "Duy's band" hahaah lol anthony and i didn't know what it was called. I performed and sang 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' with julie, anthony and duy and also 'Silent Night' in viet with thieu nhi. :) yeryeryerrr. and our church's pastor preached about God's gift to us and etc. which is what I kinda blogged about in the other post. :D <3 Yupppz and I think that was it for Christmas eve ! :3

On Sunday, JESUS CHRIST WAS BORN <333333333 ♥ :) YEYYEYEYE :D hehe. ! It was Christmas. So let's rewind the clock, pretend it's Sunday again and...


Yeeeeey :) In the morning Julie and I woke up and we got presents from fambammm and we gave them their presents. Hehe yush, then we went church and we performed again. :) Chi Thao gave us Christmas presents ! :D:D:D hehehe, i love mine. I got a journal and a Hillsong cd, picture posted above. The journal has verses from the Bible and its awesome :3 anddddd, I also got my present from Thuy <3 i can't remember when... But she gave me a bag ~ and Chi Thuong gave us, thieu nhi, presents :D Yuh, but sorry don't have a picture of all my pressies. ToT''

Christmas colours ! :D

Journal from Chi Thao & calender and 1000 prayers book from Chi Thuong. :)
That wasn't Chi Thuong's present. It was a prize from the bible test quiz thing hahas ~

After that, we went to a family outing kinda thing. We went to this place i can't remember what it's called haha but yeah we had a bbq there :D There was nommmy food. Walked around a bit, then went to the lake. Julie and I went different ways haha and we just walkkkeddd. and talked lul. yeeey~ Then we saw 'mutated ducks' as Julie calls them. LULULUL. There was this queen duck and a princess duck which was a chick kinda thing, queen's daughter. haha and a mutated duck which was the servant or guard or something. LOOOL It looked cewlies. Like they were acting out a scenario or something. or something. lulz xD Also took random picturrrres.

At bbq, my seat lulz.

@ lake. xD

Lake, whoa the clouds.

LOL I SAVED THIS PIC: mutation princess queen. 8D


random rock climbing thing rock :D

Yuhppppppp, went home and watched 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'. DUUDE I haven't seen that in ageeees ! Until sunday. BUT YEARHRHRH. Last time i watched it was with vicky and julie, like 5 years ago i think. xD Yeah, we were all wearing green so we called each other Vicky Grinch, Helen Grinch and Julie Grinch. LUL OMO the grinch is sooo funny hhahaha. Good asss movie mun. Then we went out to eat dinner with Anh Thai. It was yum we ate yum-cha. What a simple sentence, clause. Right ? Idk, is that what it's called heheh xD Forgot. KAAAY ANYWAYS, a wedding was held there or something and LOOOL there were these dragon dancers ! Like yknow, the Chinese dragon dancing thing. Dragon Dance. Yuhhh, hehe and even though we weren't apart of the wedding it came to us and 'ate' Coden, Julie and anh thai's girlfriend haha lul ! After that we looked at Christmas lights / stalked houses lul jkkk :) Went home and Julie and I watched Cat in the Hat. Dr. Seuss books ! >:D Yurrrp, overall a FANTASTIC Christmas. :)

Mondaaay was BOXING DAYYY yeeee ! :D Mum, Julie and I went shopping at DFO. Shopped ladidoodaaaaa, I bought a shirt at cotton on. Shopped moreeeee moremoremoreee haha xD Saw Nancy, her mum and aunty and shopped with them a bit. Got my school shoes for next year D: The formal black ones haha LUL. Then nancy and stuff went home as we went to Mt Ommaney. Shopped moreeee looools and I got stuff in Cotton On, again. AHHA LOL. And I saw Linh ! :) Shopped around more and yuhhh~ Went home :) Julie and I watched Puss in Boots. We had popcorn, drinks and this snack thing that mummy made. haah looool cinemas mucho (H) It was a good movie :D:D HEHEHE. Puss is soo kayute dayum ntwogwi <3 But yeah, THE GRINCH IS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE ALTHOUGH ITS OLD ITS SO GOOD AND FUNNY AND YUH IK RANDOM AND WHY IS THIS IN CAPS ? Then i think that's all. Yuppp :) Good bargaining yesterday ;) Which was Monday, boxing day hehe. 


Today, Tuesday, Julie and I went to Mt Ommaneyyyy again lol. Julie wanted to buy a bag so desperately from Forever New. The tag stated that it costed $60 yesterday when she checked. But then she went online and it said that it was only $40 ! :o So today we went to get it haha xD Shopped around and LOOOOOOOL, the thowaijgwioe-est thing happened to me in Cotton On yesterday lululuul so i was kinda hesitant and ninja-mode in Cotton On today. yerh, hiding in the clothes racks (H) ahah lol jk. But yerh, I bought a shirt from jayjays and shoeeees. Well, sandals. :D Julie wanted to get these wedges badly but yeah she didn't. Got Gloria Jeans, bussed home. When we came home mum told us that nancy got Julie's bag for $28 yesterday ! :o The tag said it was $60 but it was actually $40 butttt it was like 30% off or something. So yuh... xD BUT CHYEAH, at least she got it :D Showered, did random stufff and yup.

God is amazing. <3 :) heheheh, okay well gotta fly now. Lol as I am blogging currently, I am listening to the Hillsong cd :D !! It is awesome-sauceee :D Esp love the songs with us, unending love, God is able and the difference. Okay well gotta fly nowwwww. This post was uber long. So yeah, if you read it all thankies :) Sorry no pictures of my purchases, might post them or might not :/ Okies well byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
God Bless You <3

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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪