Sunday, July 8, 2012 @ 4:25 AM
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SUP BABEZ!? Being the extremely dedicated *cough* (i hope you sense the extreme sarcasm) blogger I am, I am posting at 9pm. :) Lol that is nothing special. But!!!! 9pm on the last day of holidays )': yessss, school starts tomorrow! Term 3 already, this year has zoomed by quickly! LOL ITS 9PM AND MASTERCHEF WAS ON AT 7:30PM AND I PLANNED TO WATCH IT. Yeah I have been severely neglecting the television due to my bebz, computer, loool. For like ageeeeees already but yeah, I should really start watching TV again but I never get to it. ): Anywho, the holidays are over omg and school is starting again. On the bright side, I have home ec and art!! But I'm not looking forward to my home ec teacher... And I didn't even go out much these holidays! D: sadlyfe. lol jk but yeah, I stayed home more than I imagined ): Okays well I'm going to post pictures in like no particular order, so it these events did not happen in the order I posted them in!! Well yuppps, I shall just like write a small paragraph about it / the event underneath or not lol but yerrrrrrrz. I am not blogging about my entire holidays ahahah, cos I forgot what happened and in other cases, I didn't take pictures ): These pictures are not entirely piccys that were taken on the hollies! Some were taken like centurieeeeees before the holidays began lol :p Leggggo!

Cafe 21 w/ fambam <3

i love Arizona <3

HERP DERP. - jap excursion

awwwww yeah instagram. LOL JK! i dont like / use instagram.

bento boxxxxxx and my photogs ;D - jap excursion

my krystal bebz!!! - jap excursion

jap excursion

chillin upside down. LOOL this was at gabrielle's house for the family reunion! <3 we took like 120 pictures on the laptop! BAHAHHA poor gabs had to send them all to us ;D

julie on the night of her formal <3 on FRIDAY NIGHTTTTTT (8) last day of term 2 :)

macaronssssssssss!! OMG :Q yesss vicky bought these babies for the car trip to church camp hahahs! It was so funny because we like rationed it LOOOOL like each of us has one every 30 minutes loool ;) church camp was very fun! Anthony, Duy, Nhi, Vicky and I were VEDY fit on Saturday! hahas :D

mt om w/ jerry and got BEN & JERRY'S AWWWWWWWW YEAH.

nandos w/ julie and johnson! LOL OMGOMGOMG i met vincent ahhahashasahhsahsahseht omgomogm ahahahahahah julie and him were so weird omg. and he bullies me about RUNESCAPE and ONE PIECE!!!! LOOOOL 

i made brownies last night :D

gradient nails! LOL SORRY ITS SO MESSY ): that was when i haven't cleaned it up :3

sheridan and jenny's hair ;) LOOK AT MY HANDIWORK hahahahs sorry for the terrible resizing :/

dayum! hahahas. jerry, jenny and I had a girl's day ;)

*wolf whistle* LOL JK ;D


chocolateria san churros w/ julie! OMG the first time i had it was last year in Perth with Linh and Julie :D AND IT WAS SO DELISH OMG <3 then when i heard it was opened in brisbane hwaoeigjoiwaejg *U* LOOL OMG the chocolate dried up after a while and I haven't eaten my churro yet so LOL OMG ): yeah. you get the picture....... and my strawbz too ):

OMGGGGINAS! David got me a chopper today when we went Sydney <333 HES SUCH A GENTLEMAN!! LOL JK hahah hes such a bully -_- lol jk hes my son. OKAY YEAH although the hat and  CAPE? is blueeeee, thats still acceptable :3 and he has no shorts i just noticed... LOL BUT YER HES SO CUTE! okay i love chopper forevz and davo but RORONOA ZORO MORE HOHO MY HUBBY ♥

Okay well that is quite alot of pictures. The preparations and blogging for this post took like 1 hour + HHAHA. LOVE MEH!!! Okay well that is all for now. I still can't believe there is school tomorrow ): Hopefully I'll wake up, wish me luck bruddahs. ;D Yep well, hope those pictures compensate for the lack of posting! Hope everyone had a good holiday :) Love you all and until next time, byeeeeeeeeeeee!
God Bless You <3

Sunday, June 17, 2012 @ 4:03 AM
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Hey guyyyys!! It's been quite a while lol :3 but mehhhh, anywho!~ I have heaps to post about, well not heaps but more than the usual random / boring updates hahaha :p but i'm too tired to do it now so yahhh expect a post with pictures coming soon weee! Just did science, sose and revised itd yay :D TEST COME AT ME BRO haha lol jk God well help me <3 Okay well since i'm going to chill and just watch one piece now, i shall end this post with 4 icons of tiffany :3 she so pretty!!! okay tooooooooodles
God Bless You <3

Sunday, May 27, 2012 @ 11:43 PM
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Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey ! it took forever to arrange the photos!!! TT_TT I could've been learning mirajane's theme on piano but no, i was a dedicated blogger and arranged everything! hohoohhoho :p Okay well I said i'd blog right? and yessssss, here i am :) I'm not going to blog about today at school, well the periods, but about my BIRTHDAY!!! heheehehheeheheh lol kyerrrr let's start. Um Saturday I just went indro but I was like on the verge of being sick so couldn't go canoeing and bbq!! ): But its okay~~ oh and I got my first cake on saturday from the bakery! :D:D 

Sunday 27th May <3
I went to church :) Went home, and JULIE ARRANGED A PRESENT TREASURE HUNT!!!! HAHA oh how i love my giant sister :"D Yeppp then it was fun finding the stuff lolol i was like a barbarian. So eager to find the presents. Um yeppppppp then I had to do SOSE TT and we started eating the first cake hohoho. Then I went to eat dinner at little hong kong at sunnybank! Although I've eaten there several times already, my fambam chose to eat there ahha so why not? ;D Yeppp ate yummmmy stuff. Then coden's mum came with my second birthday cakeeeee! BREADTOP :D yeeeeeeee hehehe and yeah. haha it was fun even though i didn't do anything extreme. Spending time with the fambam is goooood enough for me ;)

Monday 28th May
Yeppppp went to school! Jenny and jerry glomped me hahah xD skipskipksip, at lunch time!!! I received my pressies and cards from jenny and sheridan and omgsoh they are so extreme and so nice anotiwejoigwje i lub them so much<3 HAHA its really good to have like the ultimate besties (i guess....) because its more idk closer relationship? BUT YEAH LOL and we ran to somewhere secluded so no one could ask for cake hehehe! Yeah omgosh jenny went like wild and shes so nice omgosh i am extremely lucky to have them as friends! And we ate the cookie cake that jenny baked for me!! BY HERSELF OMGSOHGOSM :O she is so pro. BAHAHA and she says she cant cook -__- 

Okaaaaaaaaay yeppppppp that's all for now I'm getting tired and I want to play piano now hahhas LOL okay picture time then until next time, byeeeeeeeeeeeee! :) the gif above has ALOT of white space and it confuses me and makes me think i entered like 205y03857 times. Hi random 'y'. okay bye !!! :'D

julie bought me ben&jerry's wooooop / chillin' like a villain with mah 2 lappppies. 
well one is a computer .__.

God Bless You <3

@ 5:18 AM
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HEY GUYSSSSS i shall blog on tomorrow! After school hopefully :) hohohhohoh with pictures too!! Here's a random spam of gifs :3 okay anime time then sleeeeeeeeeep. G'night!!! ;D <3

nuuuuuuuuuu himchan why must you ruin this lively gif with your pokerface!?!? D: 
LOL but anywho, there was a pic of taeyeon. whooooops, not all gifs. :p
God Bless You <3

Saturday, May 19, 2012 @ 3:42 AM
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"Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone." - Romans 12:18

Hey guiseeee! Long time no blog, anywhooooooooooo. Not much has been going on so yeah lol :/ School has been alright, fun, but boring at the same time. And assignments and tests are piling in! The only things I look forward to in school are: seeing friends, ITD prac lessons (idek why LOL THEY SO CHILL AND LAID BACK), piano room and viola lessons. That is basically it, and then I want it to be hometime -_____-'' English oral on fridayyyyyyyy 7AM WAKING UP IN DAH MORNIN' GOTTA BE FR3$HHH GOTTA GET DOWNSTAIRS. and I had my science test yesterday! it was pretty fun identifying the rocks lol :S Okay well yeah since not much has been going and i dont know what to type on i'll just insert another gif lol :3

DAEHYUNNNNNNNNNIE <3 LOL julie is watching cinderella i dont know why LOL but the fairy god mother just said, "Have a good day, be gay". BAHAHA happy in the old days :") Okay lezzzz talk about today! Woke up and just chilled in bed while mum was on laptop and julie was chilling too xD Then we went to DFO at the airport. Shoppppppppppppped and LOL i can't remember anything but yeah we shopped. Yayy bought stuff :) umumumummm, ate yeah then went home and SLEPT FOR 2 HOURS! 2 hours, i could've spent watching like 4 eps of anime BAHAHAHA LOL or homework and assignments.... but bleh i feel so gross because i haven't done homework or assignments today or yesterday ): BUT IZ OKI3Z. Um yeah, and OH YEEEEEE WOooO0o0o i'm up to the latest ep in fairy tail haha. :D It's the Key of the Starry Sky arc and yeah i wonder what the clock hand does!!! Anime is such a big distraction lol but its good and now i have to wait every Saturday! and Thursdays still for naruto. But I started watching Inu x Boku SS. It's alright, pretty boring. But i'll just finish it since it only has 12 eps :3 Yeh, guilty crown looks kinda interesting but meh i dont feel like watching it and its not on AHHAAH. I need mum to go home so i can ask her about stufffff lol and then i need to print something. My tumblr dash is dead and I'm craving for a floral backpack. Okay piccys!

Happy Mother's Day! ♥ (for last Sunday)

just being random.
God Bless You <3

hey soul sister
Friday, May 11, 2012 @ 8:07 PM
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THIS IS SO CUTE OMGOSH  <333 hehehe so adorable and talented, my goodness!! ♥ heeey guise! i shall blog in the mere future haah :) hopefully, soon! :D
God Bless You <3

long weekend
Monday, May 7, 2012 @ 5:09 AM
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Emma Watson is beautiful <3 hehehe okay! Yesss I shall blog about Saturday, yesterday and today in this post yayayayya!! :) I'm so glad Labour Day exists. I don't really get the point of having a public holiday such as this because it isn't as important and necessary but no school so, hey, what's to lose? :p

Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy was alright. JENNYDAN CAME TO SCHOOL WOOOOP yeah and we entered our art pieces :) I'm proud of mine! I saw Jenny's and Sheridan's and theirs were amazinggggggggggg!!! HEHE I was so excited to see jelly's~ Yeah i can't remember anything important that happened at school LOLOL so lets skip to SATURDAY. Ermmm Julie and I chilled at home for a while. Mum came home and she drove us to Mt Ommaney. Arrived, shopped around and yayyyy bought stuff haha lol but i also got Julie's birthday present which was a $30 coat! haha :3 At night, Anh Thai took Julie, mum, Coden, Coden's mum and I to a restaurant! and his friend came too lol xD We went to this restaurant that was fairly popular and apparently, it had top notch food yeyyyyyy~ BUT LOL After we ordered our food, we sat waiting for like 20 minutes until the COKE arrived. Then they gave us like the snacks thingo - the chinese crispys pink thing haha i don't know what its called! And so yeah, since it took so long, we decided to cancel our order and we left the restaurant after waiting for 40 minutes. :/ But we went to eat at the YumYum restaurant ahah and it was nice :) That's all I can remember that happened BAHAHA my memory of a goldfish ):

Yesterday morning I went church. At night I was supposed to go eat with the family at another restaurant LAWL but no ): Yeh plans were changed and JULIE WENT BUDDHA FESTTTTTTTTT but i didnt omgosh TT but its okay. BEING THE VERY VERY VEDY PRODUCTIVE CHILD I AM, I stayed home, COMPLETED MY ENGLISH YAAYYA and watched fairy tail :D haha~ That's all I can remember of Sunday haha. Sorry if there is alot of writing so far LOL but there will be pictures inserted below!! Only of today though because I didn't take pictures on the other days.

And now today! MONNNDAYYYY. This morning I woke up at 6am!!! :O:O:O:OO: actually, 6:30. BU TYH THATS REALLY EARLY AHAH esp for a public holiday. Coden, his mum and I jogged to, around and from the lake! WOOP Well we had lots of walking breaks, being the athletic peoples we are haha. And yeah it was fun :) Then we went maccas and stalked the empty, desolate Forest Lake Village. Yesssss gain our fat back after we lost it hahah. Went home, went to the Thieu Nhi's day at park picnic thing haha. We went to this place at Springfield Lakes and yeah it was fun!!! Played games and activities that Anh Sang organised for us, chilled, ate and like played at this playground (not really playground) thingo near the waterpark :D We were split up into teams for our games and team salt won woooooooooooooooooooooo yes i'm in team salt ;) Went home at like 3:30 and met up at village with sheridan. LOL and coden decided to come along too .___. Just chilled and gained more fat with maccas! AHHAH Yeh! Then home, shower, eat then SOSE :O I finished woop. K going to go now! I'll leave you with pictures now :D Okay, byeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

waiting for mum to come home so she could open the door LOL / i'm the best photographer everrrrrrr hehehe i love the angle of this photo xD

attractive, yes?

waiting in Chi Thao's car

oh dayum. hahah i look like a legit soccer player in the second photo. like my socks...
God Bless You <3

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© dolce-zati | Posts image from ForNow | code from Gypo
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Just a girl enjoying life. Some of the things she loves include harry potter, hunger games, kpop, food, anime, piano, friends, family and most importantly God. ♥ Deuces !

Y ou're my only one way Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you You're the only one babe You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone Heaven heaven heaven heaven ♪